Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Paranormal Activity (2007) (2/10)

I normally don't give such low numbers to a movie because something tends to be good: acting, plot, cinematography, songs, dances, music, something. Here: zilch, nada, shunya. Nothing happens. What little happens is supposed to be inexplicable (get it? paranormal! abnormal may describe it better though). Well, in a way it is. But it is like a cricket match where they start and inexplicably leave in 5 minutes.

And yes, they meant to scare you. And I am sure some people did get scared. But there wasn't nothing. I will give them that they did not make it distorted or dirty. Overall it was horrific, I mean horrible. Worse than Blair witch project. If you liked that one, there is a small chance that you could add some money to the kitty of this movie and perhaps even feel good about it.

Paranormal Activity (2007) (2/10)

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