Sunday, May 17, 2009

My Son the Fanatic (1997) (7/10)

Its all about Om Puri who puts in a sterling performance. He is a common man, and immigrant. All he wants is a simple life and to look after his family, and as is typical for South Asians, to make his son his main concern. But times are a-changing in some ways. The international mixing of peoples, and the clash of cultures and ideas is brought out. The norml way of showing it is to depict how countries, or communities, or individuals of a type are affected. But here it is all about Om Puri, a taxi driver. And yet it is capable of drawing the bigger picture.

My Son the Fanatic (1997) (7/10)

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Kill Bill: Vol 2 (2004) (7/10)

Far better than Vol. 1 which was just violence. This has story. Of Vol. 1 too. The violence is in the background, but just that. You can follow the dialogues, the story the turns and above all the acting. The gimmicks are james bondish in their own way. I has east, west, indiana jones. Its all done so nonchallently. Revenge in style.

Kill Bill: Vol 2 (2004) (7/10)

Monday, May 11, 2009

Teorema aka Theorem (1968) (5/10)

Dubbed as an intellectual thriller about passion and death, the film doesn't say much, neither do the characters. But there is a haunting atmosphere in the somewhat jumpy film. Its about an Italian family and the transformation of its members by a single individual, a visiting stranger. Some people are bound to find the proceedings objectionable. Does it make a statement? I think so. Is it clear? Perhaps not. It has many references that are hidden and so shall the interpretations be. Its almost entirely upto the viewer as to what to make of it.

Teorema aka Theorem (1968) (5/10)