Sunday, December 23, 2012

The Thirteenth Floor (1999) (7/10)

It starts with an intriguing concept of building a simulation of the past with lifelike beings. It naturally shifts to allowing the programmers to interact with this unreal world. So far nothing out of the ordinary. But then there are hints of the beings in the simulated world realizing that they may not be real. The fun starts there with one such being in particular wanting to climb into the real world.

The way the consciousnesses are exchanged between the two worlds, it makes interesting things possible, and the story is built around that with many loops, seeming exceptions, and a good handling of the concept. The simulation part is in a vague way like that in 'matrix', but the mechanism bears a closer resemblance to  'Being John Malkovich' and definitely to many aspects in 'The Mind's I'. How do I know I am not someone's dream.

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